TNPSC Group 4 Exam Eligibility Details
Author : GovtJobsLive Update Date : 21/03/2021

TNPSC Group 4 Eligibility Criteria: Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission’s (TNPSC) Group 4 Exam Eligibility Details are given below

Eligibility Conditions:

I. Age Limit:

Category of Candidates  Minimum
Maximum Age
1 Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Caste
(Arunthathiyars), Scheduled Tribes and
Destitute Widows of all castes
18 Years 35 Years
2 Most Backward Classes / Denotified
Communities, Backward Classes and
Backward Classes (Muslims)
32 Years
3 “Others” [ i.e., Candidates not belonging to
SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs and
BCMs ]
30 Years
4 For the persons who are trained in Survey in
ITI in Tamil Nadu, in respect of posts of Field
Surveyor and Draftsman only
35 Years

(i). No maximum age limit for candidates belonging to SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs, BCMs and Destitute Widows of all castes who possess a General Educational Qualification which is higher than the Minimum General Educational Qualification (i.e. who have passed P.U.C / H.S.C / Diploma /Degree).
(ii) “Others” [ i.e., Candidates not belonging to SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs and BCMs] who have put in 5 years of service in the State / Central Government are not eligible even if they are within the age limit.

II. Educational Qualification (Common Qualification for all posts):

A. Candidates should possess the following or its equivalent qualification:

Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification viz., Must have passed S.S.L.C Public Examination or its equivalent with eligibility for admission to Higher Secondary Courses of Studies (or) to College Courses of studies.

The candidates who have not passed SSLC Examination or its equivalent are not eligible even if they possess a higher qualification.

B. Technical Qualification:

1. For Typist:
Must have passed the Government Technical Examination in Typewriting:-
(i) by Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and English (or)
(ii) by Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and Lower/ Junior Grade in English (or)
(iii) by Higher / Senior Grade in English and Lower/ Junior Grade in Tamil.
2. For Steno-Typist, Grade III:
Must have passed the Government Technical Examination both in Typewriting and in Shorthand:-
(i) by Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and English (or)
(ii) by Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and Lower/ Junior Grade in English (or)
(iii) by Higher / Senior Grade in English and Lower/ Junior Grade in Tamil.

Candidates who possess intermediate grade shall choose Junior Grade column, as the intermediate grade is not treated as equivalent to Senior Grade.

C. Computer Qualification (for Typist and Steno-Typist, Grade III): Candidates should have passed the “Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation” awarded by the Technical Education Department.

Candidates who do not possess the said qualification (viz., Computer Qualification) conducted by the Technical Education Department may also apply. If selected, they should acquire such qualification within the period of their probation.

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  TNPSC Group 4 Eligibility Details
  TNPSC Group 4 Exam Pattern
  TNPSC Group 4 Syllabus

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