West Bengal Police Constable Eligibility Details
Author : GovtJobsLive Update Date : 21/03/2021

West Bengal Police Constable Eligibility Details:  West Bengal Police Constable eligibility details are given below

Eligibility Conditions for Various Constable Posts:

I. Name of the Post: Excise Constable


1. Nationality: Candidate must be a citizen of India.

2. Age: Candidates age not less than 18 years and not more than 27 years. The upper age limit may be relaxed by 05 years in the case of Scheduled Castes, Schedules Tribes candidates and by three years in case of Other Backward Classes candidates.

3.Educational Qualification: Candidate must passed the Madhyamik Examination from the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent.

4. Qualifying Physical Measurements for the Post of Excise Constable:

Sl.No Class Height (in CM) Chest Weight
1. Candidates of all categories
(except Gorkhas, Garwalies,
Rajbansis and Scheduled Tribes)
167 78 cm with
expansion of 05 com
(78 cm-83 cm)
Proportionate to
height and age as per medical
2. Gorkhas, Garwalies, Rajbansis
and Scheduled Tibes
160 76 cm with
expansion of 05 cm
(76 cm-81 cm)
Proportionate to height
and age as per medical

II. Name of the Post: Lady Excise Constable.


1. Nationality: Must be a citizen of India.

2. Age Limit: Candidates age limit must not less than 18 years and not more than 27 years. The upper age limit may be relaxed by (05) years in the case of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes Candidates and by (03) three years in case of Other Backward Classes Candidates.

3. Educational Qualification: Candidate must have passed the Madhyamik Examination from the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent.

4. Minimum Physical Measurements for the Female Candidates:

Sl.No Class Height (in cm) Weight
1 Candidates of all categories
(except Gorkhas, Garwalies,
Rajbansis and Scheduled Tribes)
160 Proportionate to height
and age as per medical
2 Gorkhas, Garwalies, Rajbansis
and Scheduled Tibes
152 Proportionate to height
and age as per medical

III. Name of the Post: Lady Constables

1. Nationality:  Candidate must be a citizen of India.

2. Age: The candidate must not be less than 18 years and not more than 27 years of age. Upper age limit is relaxable by 05 (five) years for SC/ST candidates and 03 (three) years for OBC candidates of West Bengal only. The upper age limit is also relaxable for Ex-service personal as per existing Govt. rules.

3. Educational Qualification: The candidate must have passed Madhyamik Examination from the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or equivalent examination from any Board recognized by the State Government or the Central Government.

4. Minimum Physical Measurement:

Sl.No Class Height (in cm) Weight
1 Candidates of all categories
(except Gorkhas, Garwalies,
Rajbansis and Scheduled Tribes)
160 Proportionate to height
and age as per medical
2 Gorkhas, Garwalies, Rajbansis
and Scheduled Tibes
152 Proportionate to height
and age as per medical

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