HTET Exam Pattern Details
Update Date : 10/08/2021 Author : GovtJobsLive

Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test (HTET) Exam Pattern Details:

Scheme/ Structure and Content of Test: All Question in the HTET will be multiple choice questions. Each carrying one mark, with four alternatives out of which one answer will be correct. There shall be no negative marking. Detailed scheme and structure for all three levels is as given here under:

I. Level – I – For becoming Teacher for Classes I-V : Primary Teacher There shall be only one paper. All questions will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) each carrying one mark with four alternatives out of which one answer will be correct. No. of MCQs – 150; Duration of examination: Two-and-a-half hours.

Structure and Content (All Compulsory):

Name of the Subject No of Questions Marks
Child Development and Pedagogy 30 MCQs 30 Marks
Language I (Hindi) 30 MCQs 30 Marks
 Language II (English) 30 MCQs 30 Marks
 Mathematics 30 MCQs 30 Marks
 Environmental Studies 30 MCQs 30 Marks

Nature and Standard of Questions:

1. The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the age group of 6-11 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics and needs of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning.
2. The Test items for Language – I (Hindi) will focus on the proficiencies related to the medium of instruction.
3. The Language II (English) will focus on the elements of language, communication and comprehension abilities.
4. The test items in Mathematics and Environmental Studies will focus on the concepts, problem solving abilities and pedagogical understanding of the subjects. In all these subject areas, the test items shall be evenly distributed over different divisions of the syllabus of that subject
prescribed for classes I-V by the Education Department, Govt. of Haryana.
5. The questions in the tests for Level-I will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus for classes I-V, but their difficulty standard, as well as linkages, could be upto the secondary stage.

Qualifying Marks:

For all Categories except
Scheduled Castes and
Differently abled/Physically             60% (90 Marks)
Challenged :

For Scheduled Castes and
Differently abled/Physically             55% (83 Marks)
Challenged of Haryana
Domicile :

For Scheduled Castes and
Differently abled/Physically               60% (90 Marks)
Challenged of Other State 

Negative Marking: There shall be no negative marking.

II. Level – II – For becoming Teacher for Classes VI-VIII: Elementary Stage(TGT):

There shall be only one paper. All questions will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) each carrying one mark with four alternatives out of which one answer will be correct. No. of MCQs–150; Duration of Examination: Two-and-a-half hours.
Structure and Content:

Name of the Subject No of Questions Marks
i. Child Development & Pedagogy (Compulsory) 30 MCQs  30 Marks
ii. Language I – (English) (Compulsory)  30 MCQs  30 Marks
iii. Language II 
(Hindi/Sanskrit/Panjabi/Urdu – Choose any one)
30 MCQs  30 Marks 
iv. (a) For Mathematics and Science Teacher: 60 MCQs 60 Marks
     b) For Social Studies teacher: 60 MCQs 60 Marks
     c)For Hindi/English/Sanskrit/Panjabi/Urdu/  
Home Science/Physical Education/ Art/ Music Teacher
Choose either (iv) (a) OR iv (b)  
60 MCQs  60 Marks 

Nature and Standard of Questions:

1. The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning, relevant to the age group of 11-14 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics, needs and psychology of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning.
2. The test items for Language I (English) will focus on the proficiency related to the medium of instruction.
3. The Language II (Hindi/Sanskrit/Panjabi/Urdu) will focus on the elements of language, communication and comprehension abilities.
4.The test items in Mathematics and Science, and Social Studies will focus on the concepts, problem solving abilities and pedagogical understanding of these subjects. The test items of Mathematics and Science will be of 30 marks each. The test items shall be evenly distributed over different divisions of the syllabus of that subject as prescribed for classes VI-VIII by the Board of School Education Haryana.
5.The questions in the tests for Level-2 will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the Board of School Education Haryana for Classes VI- VIII but their difficulty standard as will linkages could be upt o the senior secondary stage.

Qualifying Marks:
For all Categories except Scheduled Castes and
Differently abled/Physically                                        60% (90 Marks)
Challenged :

For Scheduled Castes and                                              55% (83 Marks)
Differently abled/Physically
Challenged :

For Scheduled Castes and
Differently abled/Physically                                     60% (90 Marks)
Challenged of Other State

Nagative Marking: There shall be no negative marking.

III.  Level – 3: Post Graduate Teacher (PGT):
There shall be only one paper in this category. All questions will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) each carrying one mark with four alternatives out of which one answer will be correct.
No. of MCQs–150; Duration of Examination: Two-and-a-half hours.

Structure and Content:

Name of the Subject No of Questions Marks
Child Development & Pedagogy (Compulsory) 30 MCQs 30 Marks
Language I (Hindi) (Compulsory) 30 MCQs 30 Marks
Language II(English) (Compulsory) 30 MCQs 30 Marks
Subject Specific  60 MCQs 60 Marks

Nature and Standard of Questions:
1. The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning, relevant to the age group of 14-17 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics, needs and psychology of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning.
2. The test items for language I (Hindi) will focus on the proficiency related to the medium of instruction relevant to the age group of 14-17 years.
3. The Language II (English) will focus on the elements of language, communication and comprehension abilities relevant to the age group of 14-17 years.
4. The test items in subject specific will focus on the concepts, problem solving abilities and pedagogical understanding of these subjects. The test items shall be evenly distributed over different divisions of the syllabus of that subject as prescribed for classes IX-XII by the Board of School Education Haryana.
5. The questions in the test will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the Board of School Education Haryana for classes IX-XII but their difficulty standard as well linkages could be upto the Post-Graduate level.

Qualifying Marks:

For all Categories except
Scheduled Castes and                              60% (90 Marks) 
Differently abled/Physically                 
Challenged :

For Scheduled Castes and
Differently abled/Physically                 55% (83 Marks) 
Challenged :

For Scheduled Castes and
Differently abled/Physically                60% (90 Marks) 
Challenged of Other State

Negative Marking: There shall be no negative marking.

IV. Language of Question Papers: All questions except those concerning language subjects, will be bilingual i.e. Hindi and English. 

V. Frequency of Conduct of HTET, Number of Available Attempts to Appear and Validity Period of HTET Certificate:
(i) Validity Period of HTET qualifying certificate for appointment will be five years from the date of issue of qualifying certificate.
(ii) There is no restriction on the number of attempts a person can take for acquiring HTET Certificate.
(iii) Candidates who have already qualified STET will have the option to appear in the fresh HTET to improve their score, if they so desire.

Improvement in HTET Score: Candidates who have qualified STET/ HTET can improve their performance in it.

  HTET Eligibility Details
  HTET Exam Pattern
  HTET Syllabus

Exam Sarkari Result VIEW ALL

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