KPSC KAS Exam Pattern Details
Update Date : 10/08/2021 Author : GovtJobsLive

Karnataka Public Service Commission, Karnataka Administrative Service (KAS) (Gazetted Probationers) Exam Pattern Details:

KPSC KAS Gazetted Probationers Competitive Exam is Conducted in 2 Stages:

I. Preliminary Examination (Objective paper)

II. Main Examination (Written Exam & Personality Test)

I. Preliminary Examination: The Preliminary Examination shall consist of two papers of objective type (multiple choice).

i. Each paper carrying 100 Questions with each question carrying two marks.

ii. Each paper shall be of a maximum of 200 marks and a duration of two hours (Total for two papers 400 Marks) in the following…

Sl.No. Subject Area No.of Questions Marks
1. General Studies relatedto National and

International Importance

40 80
2. Humanities 60 120
  Total 100 200
1. General Studies related to State Importance 40 80
2. General Science & Tech, Environment & Ecology 30 60
3. General Mental Ability 30 60
  Total 100 200

II. Main Examination: 

A. Candidate’s who qualified in preliminary examination will go to second stage i.e Main examination which contains seven papers in conventional, descriptive type that of Degree level. The standard of paper I Kannada and Paper II English shall be that of First Language Kannada and First Language English respectively at SSLC level. All seven papers are compulsory. Paper II to V consists of three sections. Each paper carries a maximum of 250 marks and duration of 03 Hours. Minimum qualifying marks will be given for reservation candidates as per the rules.

Main Examination Papers, No.of Sections Kannada/ English), Maximum marks, Time duration details given below..

Qualifying Papers Kannada 150 Marks 2 Hours
English 150 Marks 2 Hours


Compulsory Papers Paper I Essay 250 marks 3 Hours
Paper II GeneralStudies 1 250 marks 3 Hours
Paper III GeneralStudies 2 250 marks 3 Hours
Paper IV GeneralStudies 3 250 marks 3 Hours
Paper V GeneralStudies 4 250 marks 3 Hours
Paper VI Optional SubjectPaper I 250 marks 3 Hours
Paper VII Optional SubjectPaper-2 250 marks 3 Hours
Total marks for written examination 1750 marks

B. Personality Test: Candidates are called for personality test in the order of merit on the basis of the results of the Main Examination ensuring the reservations for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes in the same ratio of vacancies reserved for them. Personality Test shall carry a maximum of 200 marks. Candidate will be interviewed by a board who will have before them a record of his or her career except marks secured in their main examination.

  KPSC KAS Exam Eligibility Details
  KPSC KAS Exam Pattern
  KPSC KAS Exam Syllabus

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