Punjab Civil Services Exam Pattern Details
Update Date : 10/08/2021 Author : GovtJobsLive

Punjab Public Service Commission’s (PPSC) Punjab State Civil Services Combined Competitive Examination Pattern Details :

Scheme of Examination: Punjab State Civil Services Combined Competitive Examination will be held in two parts i.e Preliminary Competitive Examination and Main Examination.

A. Preliminary Competitive Examination: The Preliminary Competitive Examination will consist of two papers i.e. Paper-I General Studies and Paper –II Civil Services Aptitude Test. The Preliminary Competitive Examination is designed to sift suitable candidates for the Main Competitive Examination. Marks obtained in the Preliminary Competitive Examination by the candidates, who may be declared qualified for taking the Main Competitive Examination, shall not be counted for determining their final order of merit. Candidates equal to thirteen times of the total number vacancies may qualify for the Main Competitive Examination.

B. Main Examination: The main examination will consist of written examination and a viva voce (interview) test. The written examination will consist of nine papers of conventional essay type in varous subjects. Candidates equal to 13 times the number of vacancies may be declared eligible to take Main Competitive Examination.

I. Structure of the Main Competitive Examination:The compulsory and optional subjects and the maximum marks fixed for each subject for the main competitive examination shall be as shown in the table below:

Paper Subject Marks
I English 100
II Punjabi (in Gurmukhi Script) 100
III Essay (To be attempted either in Punjabi or English) (Gurmukhi Script) 100
IV General Studies Paper I 100
V General Studies Paper II 100
VI Optional Subject I, Paper I 100
VII Optional Subject I, Paper II 100
VIII Optional Subject II, Paper I 100
IX Optional Subject II, Paper II 100
Viva Voce 100
                    Total 1000

1. The main Examination is intended to assess the overall intellectual traits and depth of understanding of candidates rather than merely the range of their information and memory. Total number of questions in the question papers of optional subjects will be eight. All questions will carry equal marks. Each paper will be divided into two parts, viz. Part A and Part B, each part containing four questions.

2. Out of eight questions, five questions are to be attempted. In each part there will be a compulsory question. Candidates will be required to answer one more question out of remaining three questions in each part. In this way, at least two questions will be attempted from each Part i.e. one compulsory question and in addition one more question. The candidate may attempt the fifth question from any part.

3. The main competitive examination shall include compulsory and optional subjects and every candidate shall take all the compulsory subjects and two of the optional subjects, except for Ex-servicemen candidates, who are exempted from taking optional subjects. A candidate shall specify in his application form the optional subjects he/she desires to opt.

4. A candidate shall answer the question papers other than the language paper, in English or in Punjabi language.

5. If a candidate’s handwriting is not easily legible, a deduction which may be considerable may be made on this account from the total marks otherwise accruing to him/her.

6. Credit will be given for orderly effective and exact expression combined with due economy of words, in all subjects of the examination.

7. Ex-servicemen category candidates are required to appear only in the Compulsory subjects, i.e., Paper I, II, III, IV & V. However, LDESM category candidates shall have to appear in all the papers, including optional subjects.

8. Candidates shall specify in their application form the optional subjects they desire to take. No change in the choice of options will be permitted under any circumstances.

9. The Main Competitive Examination shall include Compulsory and Optional Subjects as under:

(A) List of Compulsory Subjects:
1. English
2. Essay
3. Punjabi (in Gurmukhi Script)
4. General Studies Paper-I
5. General Studies Paper-II

(B) List of optional subjects for main examination:

Sr. No. Subject Subject Code Sr. No. Subject Subject Code
1 Agriculture 31  14  Management  44
2 Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science 32 15  Mathematics 45
3 Anthropology  33 16  Mechanical Engineering 46
4 Botany 34 17  Medical Science 47
5 Chemistry 35 18  Philosophy 48
6 Civil Engineering 36 19  Physics 49
7 Commerce and Accountancy 37 20 Political Science andInternational Relations 50
8 Economics 38 21  Psychology 51
9 Electrical Engineering 39 22  Public Administration 53
10 Geography 40 23  Sociology 54
11 Geology 41 24  Statistics 55
12 History 42 25 Zoology 56
13 Law 43 26 Literature of one of the
following Languages:
Hindi, Punjabi, Sanskrit,
Urdu or English.

IMPORTANT NOTE : (i) Candidates shall not be allowed to offer the following combinations of subjects:
(a) Political Science and International Relations and Public Administration;
(b) Commerce and Accountancy and Management;
(c) Anthropology and Sociology;
(d) Mathematics and Statistics;
(e) Agriculture and Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science;
(f) Management and Public Administration:
(g) Of the Engineering subject viz., Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering
and Mechanical Engineering—not more than one subject.
(h) Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science and Medical Science.
(ii) The question papers for the examination will be of conventional (essay) type.
(iii) Each paper will be of three hours duration. Visually impaired candidates will, however, be
allowed an extra time of thirty minutes at each paper.
(iv) Candidates will have the option to answer all the question papers, except the language papers
viz., Papers I and II above in Punjabi or in English.
(v) Candidates exercising the option to answer Papers III to IX in Punjabi language, may, if they
so desire, give English version within brackets for only the description of the technical terms,
if any, in addition to the version in Punjabi language.
(vi) The question papers other than language papers will be set both in Punjabi and English.
(vii) The Compulsory papers of Punjabi and English will be of 10+2 or equivalent standard.
(viii) For the Language papers, the script to be used by the candidates will be as under :

Language            Script
Hindi                           Devanagri
Punjabi                      Gurmukhi
Sanskrit                     Devanagri
Urdu                            Persian

II. Viva Voce:
1. Candidates up to three times the number of vacancies shall be declared qualified for each category to take viva voce test.
2. The viva voce test shall be conducted by an Interview Board comprising of the Chairman and Members of the Commission which may include an outside expert. More than one Interview Boards may be set up to interview the candidates. In the event of an Interview Board not being headed by the Chairman of the Commission, the senior most Member shall be the Chairman of the Board.

C. Candidates have to qualify the Physical Test for the post of Deputy Superintendent of Police in the following events also:

For Male Candidates For Female Candidates
1 1600 meters race to be completed
within 07 minutes 30 seconds (only
one attempt)
800 meters race to be completed
within 04 minutes 45 seconds
(only one attempt)
2 Long Jump : Minimum 3.80 meters
(Three attempts only)
Long Jump : Minimum 3.25
meters (Three attempts only)
3 High Jump : Minimum 1.15 meters
(Three attempts only)
High Jump : Minimum 1.0 meter
(Three attempts only)
4 Vertical rope : 2.0 meters climb
from the ground (one attempt only)
Shuttle : Running between two
parallel lines 10 meter apart, five
times in 25 seconds (one attempt
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