LIC AAO Eligibility, Exam Pattern and Selection Process Details
Update Date : 10/08/2021 Author : GovtJobsLive

LIC Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) Eligibility Details :

Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is the largest Life Insurance Company in India having 2048 Branches and 109 Divisional Offices. Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has issued notification for the recruitment of Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) Vacancies.

Eligibility Criteria :
Nationality :The candidate should be an Indian Citizen.
Age limit :The minimum age limit is 21 years and maximum not more than 30 years. Age relaxation is applicable as given below.

Relaxation of Upper Age Limit :

Sr.No Category Age Relaxation upto
1. SC/ST 5 Years
2. OBC 3 Years
3. PWD (Gen) 10 Years
4. PWD (SC/ST) 15 Years
5. PWD (OBC) 13 Years
6. ECO/SSCO (GEN) 5 Years
7. ECO/SSCO (SC/ST) 10 Years
8. ECO/SSCO (OBC) 8 Years
9. Confirmed LIC employees Further Relaxation of 5 Years

Educational Qualification :
Bachelor/Master’s Degree from a recognized Indian University/ Institution.

LIC AAO Selection Procedure :
Selection Procedure :
Selection will be made on the basis of performance in the on-line test followed by a personal interview of short listed candidates and subsequent Pre-Recruitment Medical Examination.
1. Online Test :
On-line test will be of objective type, multiple choice of two hours duration comprising of the following:
a. Reasoning Ability
b. Quantitative Aptitude
c. General Knowledge, Current Affairs
d. Computer Knowledge
e. English Language with Special emphasis on Grammar, Vocabulary and Comprehension.

Penalty for Wrong Answers :
i. There will be a penalty for wrong answers marked in the Objective Tests. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one fourth (1/4 ) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate; there will be no penalty for that question.
ii. Candidate must pass in each paper separately and also obtain minimum marks in the aggregate of the two papers to qualify for the interview. The minimum marks to be obtained in each paper and in the aggregate shall be decided by LIC of India.
iii. The marks obtained by the candidate in each paper and in the aggregate shall be arrived at after deduction of the marks for wrong answers.
iv. Appearing in the online examination or mere pass in the online examination shall not vest any right in a candidate to be called for Personal Interview.

Pre-exam training for OBC/ SC/ST candidates :
OBC/ SC/ST candidates who wish to avail the benefit of pre examination training may register their name and other details with the Divisional Office of LIC of India convenient to them. The Divisional Office will inform the registered candidates, the date and venue of the training. Such candidates would have to attend the training at their own cost on the appointed dates and at the venue advised to them. Candidates are required to refer to the website under the tab “Careers” for address of the Divisional Offices of LIC.

2. Interview :
i. Candidates who successful in the Online test will be called for an Interview. Candidate who does not obtain the minimum qualifying marks in the Interview shall be disqualified for further selection.
ii. The number of candidates to be called for interview will be about three times the number of vacancies to be filled in subject to availability of successful candidates in the online examination and will be purely as per their ranking in their respective category.

3. Pre-Recruitment Medical Examination :
Shortlisted candidates will have to undergo a Pre-Recruitment Medical Examination and if found medically fit, will be offered appointment.

LIC AAO Exam Pattern :
Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is the largest Life Insurance Company in India having 2048 Branches and 109 Divisional Offices. Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has issued notification for the recruitment of 200 Posts of Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO). The details of Exam Pattern are mentioned below.

Online Test :On-line test will be of objective type, multiple choice of two hours duration comprising of the following:

Section           Questions Number of Questions Marks Time (Hrs)
1 Reasoning Ability Test 30 90 120 Minutes (2 Hours)
2 Numerical Ability Test 30 90
3 General Knowledge Test, Current Affairs Test 30 60
4 Computer Knowledge Test 30 60
5 English Language Test with Special emphasis on Grammar, Vocabulary and Comprehension 40 -
  Total 160 300  

  LIC AAO Eligibility Details
  LIC AAO Exam Pattern
  LIC AAO Syllabus

Exam Sarkari Result VIEW ALL

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