LIC ADO Selection Procedure Details
Update Date : 10/08/2021 Author : GovtJobsLive

LIC ADO Selection Procedure Details:

Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is the largest Life Insurance Company in India having 2048 Branches and 109 Divisional Offices. LIC recruits Apprentice Development Officers in the jurisdiction of the various Divisional Offices comes under nine different Zones.

Selection Procedure :The selection procedure contains three Stages.
1. On-line Test

Test Name of the Test No. of Questions Marks Time
Paper I
I Reasoning Ability 25 25
II Numerical Ability 25 25
Paper II
III General
Knowledge and
Current Affairs
25 25
IV English Language
with special
emphasis on
Grammar and
25 25 Composite Time
of 120 minutes
Paper III
V Insurance and
Awareness with
special emphasis
on knowledge of
Life Insurance and
Financial Sector
50 50
Total 150 150

2. Interview
3. Medical Examination

1. Online Test :
i. On-line test will be of objective type, multiple choice of two hours duration comprising of the following two papers:
a. Test of Reasoning and Numerical Ability
b. General Knowledge, Current Affairs and English Language with Special emphasis on Grammar and Vocabulary.
ii. Candidate must pass in each paper separately and also obtain minimum marks in the aggregate of the two papers to qualify for the interview. The minimum marks to be obtained in each paper and in the aggregate shall be decided by LIC of India.
iii. The marks obtained by the candidate in each paper and in the aggregate shall be arrived at after deduction of the marks for wrong answers.

2. Interview :
Candidates who successful in the Online test will be called for an Interview. Candidate who does not obtain the minimum qualifying marks in the Interview shall be disqualified for further selection.

3. Medical Examination :
Selected candidate will be appointed as Apprentice Development Officer subject to him/her being found medically fit by the Medical Examiner authorized by LIC for the purpose.

  LIC ADO Eligibility Details
  LIC ADO Exam Pattern
  LIC ADO Syllabus

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