TSPSC AEE Selection Process Details
Update Date : 10/08/2021 Author : GovtJobsLive

Telangana State Public Service Commission(TSPSC) Assistant Executive Engineer, Municipal Assistant Executive Engineer Selection Process Details :

Selection Process :
The selection process will be carried out in Two Successive Stages i.e.,
1. Examination (Objective Type) by Online/ OMR based :
Written test will be done for 450 marks. Paper-I carries 150 marks & Paper-II carries 300 marks.

2. Oral Test in the shape of Interview (only for those qualified as per Rules) :
Interview carries 50 marks.

1. The final selection of these posts will be based on the Examination either Online or OMR based and Interview marks put together.
2. Only those candidates who qualify in the Examination in order of merit will be called for interview in 1:2 ratio, Community and Category wise for the vacancies available. The minimum qualifying marks for Interview/ Selection are OCs 40%, BCs 35% SCs, STs and PHs 30% or as per the Rules. The minimum qualifying marks are relaxable in the case of SC/ ST/ BC/ PH at the discretion of the Commission.
2. The candidates will be selected and allotted to Service/ Department as per their rank in the merit list and as per Zonal Preference for allotment of candidates against vacancies and for the vacancies available.
3. Mere securing minimum qualifying marks does not vest any right in a candidate for being considered for selection.
4. The appearance in all the papers at the Written Examination as per rules is compulsory. Absence in any of the papers will automatically render his candidature as disqualified.
5. The preference opted by candidates in respect of posts, zones etc., in the application form are only indicative for being considered to the extent possible but not binding or limiting the Commission’s powers conferred under Article 315 and 320 of the Constitution of India. Therefore, the Commission has the power to assign a successful candidate to any of the notified posts for which he/she is qualified and eligible, subject to fulfilling the selection criterion. Mere claim of preference for any Zone for allotment against vacancy does not confer a right to selection for that Zone in particular or any Zone in General.
6. The appointment of selected candidates (other than Physically Challenged) will be subject to their being found medically fit in the appropriate Medical Examination, and if he/ she is of sound health, active habits free from any bodily defect or infirmity.

  TSPSC AEE Eligibility Details
  TSPSC AEE Exam Pattern
  TSPSC AEE Syllabus

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